Redefine Your Why
In the chaos of life, too often we cook for our kids. To feed them quickly and with as much good food as possible. A few years ago, I made one simple change: I redefined why I cook. I began to cook with my kids.
They help out most days. Sometimes it is just setting the table or helping with prep, but other times they help with the entire meal. They are still typical kids: Pizza, chicken nuggets, and mac & cheese top their list of favorites, but they have tried almost everything we have made. We spend more time together and they are learning life long skills. If they help cook just 2x a week, by the time they are 18, they will have prepared over 1000 meals and we would have added over 500 hours of time together.
If you are currently cooking with your kids: Great! Keep it up! If you haven't started yet, but want to include them: Great! If you have never learned to cook yourself, but want to begin: Great! Grab your kids and begin learning together! Start small with your favorite recipes or use some of ours. Make a mistake? Laugh it off and keep going! Share your recipes and your journey as we do the same.
Enjoy the journey and experiment with recipes and techniques as often as you can. Don't just cook for your kids, cook with them.
REDEFINE YOUR WHY. You won't regret it.